SHAPES OF MY HEART„The same idea in a different moment, takes shape like two identical twin sisters on two different continents, divided by a large ocean of circumstances. The scent of the inspiration reaches the receptors and sets the first gear in motion. The energy of the moment starts to fuel its first movement and sprinkle the colours. It is the colour and shape of my heart in that very moment, that will determine what piece of work I will hold in my hands at the end of the process. It starts with a sudden moment of clarity, when I know what I want to do. Then I keep on doing and this first moment of clarity is followed by a second one, in which I recognize myself in my work and discover who I am right now. At the core of each moment of clarity is my heart in the shape and colour that it takes that very moment. My works are the tale of of many hearts, that have been pounding within myself.“
(quote from the e-book EUREKA!- Flashes of Genius at Friends of Carlotta (www.foc.ch/Publikationen)