Power Gesture

Power Gesture

My artwork addresses the ways we communicate with each other visually, through body language. Hand crafted of aluminum or sterling silver, these interactive objects become instruments for gestural behavior. With the increasing use of e-mail, Internet social networks, and text messaging, true one-on-one interpersonal communication is fading and our more honest and authentic feelings are being overlooked. All of my pieces point out various gestures or postures and their asso- ciated meanings with the hope that viewers will realize the importance of how our bodies speak for us. Of particular relevance to the theme of this exhibit is Power Gesture, an implement that requires the user to assume the authoritative “steepled fingers” gesture. This position exudes confidence and is often used by one who has the upper hand in a situation. Presidents, world leaders and CEOs often adopt this position in their speeches and when addressing those they lead. Psychologists believe assuming a posture or gesture will make one feel as they would if they did the gesture naturally. So for anyone who wants a confidence boost, Power Gesture is the implement of choice. By viewing and interacting with the work, I seek to make us look at ourselves and ponder the underlying reasons for our seemingly casual gestures.